Everyone who works in front of a computer Or sitting on the phone You may have chronic back pain. That comes with a hunchback, arched back. The structure is cause by behavior. It’s not hereditary. let’s practice exercising and adjust our personality to look good.

Personality can be express both physically. Mind and emotions This is what makes people see us first. For anyone who has a hunchback problem and likes to walk with their shoulders wrapped. And sit with your back bent for a long time. These symptoms can cause you to lose confidence in social gatherings.
Manage our spine so that it is straight and not curve.
Position 1: Neck exercise
Stand with your back straight, hands close to your sides. Bow your head down slightly so that your neck is tight. Slowly lift your head back up to its original position. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for 30 seconds, maintaining a constant tilt-up position. Report by ยูฟ่าเบท
You may feel the sound of your upper bones as well as the tension in your neck. That’s a sign that you have aches and pains and are beginning to develop a hunchback.
Position 2: Superman pose
Lie flat on your stomach parallel to the mattress or an area supported by an exercise mat. Extend your arms out in front of you. Like a flying hero Lift your arms and legs up and down together about 10 times.
This position can help with the upper spine, chest, and waist that are curve at a slight angle. It can also relieve back pain and stiffness.
Position 3: Stretch your arms behind your back.
Stand upright with your feet apart and knees slightly bent. Swing your arms above your head and back. Observe your elbows as you swing. They should be as high as your eyes or ears. Swing your arms back down. Repeat with appropriate force.
This position will help people with slouched shoulders that cause a hunchback. It stretches the muscles and the thoracic spine to be straight and not bent.
Position 4: Exercise for the thoracic spine.
This position uses a device called foam rolling. You can buy it at an exercise equipment store or roll up exercise rubber sheets to use as a replacement.
Lie flat on your back on the floor. Lift your body slightly to place the foam rolling on the center of your thoracic spine. Lift your buttocks parallel to the floor and lift your legs perpendicular so that both feet touch. The floor to provide momentum in the up-down movement. Bring both arms and place your hands together behind your head. Use the force of both feet to push yourself up and down. So that the foam rolls back and forth on your spine. Repeat for 30 seconds to 1 minute.